Photos and Memories

Today a catalog arrived in the mail. It was filled with nostalgic items for people of a certain age…like me. When I got to the page where you can buy all sorts of candy that was available when I was a child, the color photos of the different packages of candy brought back good memories.

And that reminded me of what I did when we downsized and gave up so many of our belongings: I took photos of the items I loved but couldn’t keep. When I look at those photos, all the memories linked to those items come flooding back, and it’s lovely.

So if you dread decluttering because you have a hard time letting go of sentimental items, remember you can just whip out your phone and take a photo of each beloved item. You don’t have to hold something in your hand to bring back memories: a photo will do, and it takes up a lot less room.

Can the Tiny House Movement Last?

Some people like tiny houses because they’re more affordable than average houses; other people prefer them for the statement they make about sustainability, or having a smaller footprint on the earth. When I read articles like this one, I have to wonder how long the enthusiasm for tiny houses will last. I suspect it all depends on whether or not the economy improves.

My adult children all live in houses or apartments bigger than the house I live in. I really don’t picture them downsizing unless they experience job loss or some other financial setback. But for (ahem) older people like me, small is beautiful!

Nomads for a Reason

This isn’t just another story of a family that sold everything so they could travel. This family lost their little girl a few years ago, and are dealing with their grief as they travel the world while homeschooling their remaining children. They make it clear that home is where your family is, not where your McMansion stuffed with smart TVs and high-end furniture is.

We found that to be true after the last recession forced us to downsize and move away from our large family home that we built and that was paid off. We lived in rental housing for four years before we found the lovely little town we now live in, and the sweet little house we now call home. Even when we were in rentals, and selling off most of our belongings via garage sales and Craig’s List, we knew that as long as we were together, we would be fine, and we were.

My heart goes out to this young family.