The Ultimate Small House: Downsizing to an RV

Starting off your retirement by buying an RV and traveling the country is an old concept; I think that’s where I first began seeing those “We’re Spending Our Kids’ Inheritance” bumper stickers, many years ago. But today, more people (and not just retired people) are actually living in RVs.

While some are forced to do so because of financial problems, an increasing number of people are choosing to live in RVs in order to escape the rat race, the cubicle farm lifestyle, the burden of working to pay for a huge mortgage and/or property tax payment, or for some other reason related to freedom. This article explains this current trend.

Of course, all the principles involved in downsizing to a smaller home apply even more so to moving into an RV. With minimal storage and living space, you’ll have to whittle down your possessions to the bare minimum.

I love living in a small house, though at some point down the road, I might be ready for a small condo. But I don’t think I could live in an RV full-time. There are too many things I like to do that require some space in my house, and I also love having a garden to work in.

But for many people, this is the alternative to spending years of your life commuting to a job you hate in order to pay for housing, clothes, furniture and cars to impress your family and friends, some of whom you may not even like. In fact, while it may be an overreaction to a lifestyle they’re rejecting, it could prove to be the smartest decision they ever made.

In either case, they’re going to learn to pare down their belongings, and that’s a very good skill to have. Not everyone is willing to do it, but it is worth the effort, whether you’re moving to an RV, or just finding a way to make your home feel much bigger.


Young and Mortgage-Free

I feel sorry for young people these days. Most of them don’t earn nearly enough money to pay for rent or a house payment, because housing prices are ridiculously high compared to incomes in many places.

But limitations spur creativity, as Thomas Edison used to say. This young man has come up with a way to have his own space without spending a small fortune on housing each month. More power to him!