My Decluttering Weak Area

I’ve done really well at keeping the clutter from coming back since our big downsizing, except for one area: my sewing habit.

I actually have two designated sewing spots in my house: one upstairs and one downstairs. I’m beginning to realize that amount of stuff in each area is expanding. I just don’t seem to be able to pass up great deals on fabric, buttons, zippers, etc. when I go to garage sales, estate sales, and destashing sales (where quilters sell fabric from their stash that they don’t need anymore.)

Not that any of these things take up a lot of room on their own, but collectively, well……let’s just say my plastic storage boxes are full up and I find myself thinking about buying more of them. But I won’t let myself go there. I’m going to have to do some destashing of my own and reduce the amount of stuff I’m hanging on to in hopes of using it for future projects.

The challenge for people who sew is that we love fabric and sewing supplies, and can easily think of many different ways to use these things. We just don’t have enough time. Or, as I saw recently on Pinterest: “I have so much fabric because I shop a lot faster than I can sew.”