More Room in My Closet

Those stored clothes I mentioned last week have left the premises and I didn’t even know it. I had put them in the trunk for whenever I got to the Goodwill drive-up. But my husband was out grocery shopping and donated them so he’d have room in the trunk for the groceries. So those things are gone with the wind.

Boy, does that feel good! My two storage boxes of clothes are no longer bursting at the seams but have a bit of extra room in them. Hanging in my closet are some dresses I haven’t worn in years. I have begun wearing them even if I don’t go out anywhere. I finally remembered the adage “Use it or lose it!” Whatever I haven’t worn at the end of the summer will be headed to Goodwill for sure.

It’s been a while since I did a major clothing purge and I forgot how good that feels. Next up: the basement storage area, which is getting kind of crowded. Time to weed out things and move them along.

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