Placing Things in Appropriate Spots

I had just woken up this morning and reached up into my closet for something when I accidentally bumped my jewelry box and brought it crashing to the ground, sending pierced earrings and other pieces of jewelry everywhere, and breaking the trim off the front of it.

Unfortunately, I have a bad knee and couldn’t kneel down to pick up that mess. Fortunately, I have a helpful husband. He came and picked up all the little shiny items, some of which had landed in my shoes or on the floor. He will also fix the box’s trim for me.

But what was the jewelry box doing way up in the closet? Well, I never found room for it on my dresser, and since I dress up very rarely these days, I put it up in the closet, squashed between two big plastic boxes of sheets (flannels for winter and cottons for summer).

I really should keep it on my dresser, where my perfume tray is. But I don’t have much space beyond the perfume tray, which is pretty large and covered with bottles, most of which I don’t use anymore but am emotionally attached to. Each one reminds me of a specific time in my life, so I rarely wear them, but I like the memory each brings back when I sniff one.

Clearly oversentimentality is at play here. I need to reduce the number of perfume bottles, put them on a smaller tray, and put that jewelry box on the dresser where it belongs. I will add that to my to-do list!

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