The Best Week of the Year to Declutter Your Home

Today begins the best week of the year to declutter your home.

Why? First, because we’re just recovering from Christmas. The decorations take up space and make the house look more cluttered than ever. The Christmas tree is looking a bit disheveled and will soon need to be taken down. And most of us received more gifts than we really need. As a result, we’re starting to crave some open space and less clutter.

Then there’s the fact that a new year is just around the corner. New Year’s Day always promises new beginnings, and leads us to make new personal goals. The mood everywhere is one of renewal. What a perfect time to get a handle on the extra stuff that has parked itself in all the nooks and crannies of your home.

Take that energy and use it this week to:

  • Find duplicates of things you own that really don’t need to be duplicated (gifts, calendars, hair brushes, throws, pillows, tableware, you name it) and donate them, or pitch them if they’re not nice enough to donate.
  • Go through your closet, find anything you haven’t worn in the past year and move it along.
  • Clean out the interior and trunk of your car; those fast-food wrappers are evidence of this past year’s failed attempts at healthier living, and the empty water bottles are just begging to be recycled.
  • Look in each room of your house to see if there’s a piece of furniture or a decorative item (or two) that no longer serves a purpose or makes you happy. If so, remove it and donate it.

By doing this, you’ll start the New Year with a clean slate, and a feeling of being somewhat lighter (even if you ate way too many cookies last week.)

Happy New Year!