Oh, Marie….

Decluttering guru Marie Kondo became so famous for promoting decluttering that she ended up posing on the red carpet at this year’s Oscars. But the woman known for her decluttering books and Netflix show just made a huge mistake: she opened up an online shop so she can sell high-priced clutter.

Of course, capitalizing on your fame by coming up with a related product line is an American tradition. Just think of how much money people like Martha Stewart, Ree Drummond and Paula Deen have made by turning their fame into additional fortune.

But here’s the thing: they weren’t decluttering gurus. They became popular for other talents, and parlayed those talents into stuff they can sell to their fans for a big payback. But when your whole shtick is getting rid of stuff, how do you justify selling stuff back to your fans, and high-priced stuff at that?

You can’t. There is no justification. Ms. Kondo is going against everything she has promoted in her books and Netflix show. I suspect she will regret this move.