Digital Fasting Update

So it’s been just over a week, and I’ve stuck to my promise to stay off the Internet except for work and email, and I haven’t even gone near Candy Crush.  I did this in hopes that my stress level would go down.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t happened, but only because two family members ended up in the emergency room last week: one was in an accident, and the other had a stroke. They’re both doing better now, but having those things happen two days in a row definitely elevated my stress level.

But that’s an unavoidable kind of stress. I do believe that I am slowly de-stressing now that I have no idea what’s going on in the world, who’s mad at whom politically, or who is behaving badly. Oddly enough, I don’t care. I’ve been chipping away at my to-do list, and working in the yard, something I do every year at this time. But this year I’m doing it without the time pressure that usually comes with it because I wasted part of the day surfing the Web and, as a result, am short on time. So I’m enjoying spring planting even more than usual.

I’ve crocheted quite a few dishcloths at night, when I would usually be playing Candy Crush, but I do miss it. More accurately, I miss winning; many times, Candy Crush means losing the same level for days on end, which got very frustrating, and I certainly don’t miss that!

In six days, I can go back online. To be honest, I’m not sure I want to. There’s a slower pace to my life right now, and I think it’s because time isn’t flying while I surf online. I like it; in fact, I may extend the ban. We’ll see……

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