Keeping the Huge Chairs in the Small Living Room

Before the pandemic began, we had begun buying smaller furniture for our living room. Our old furniture was scaled for a 26’ long room, so it was clearly too big for this living room.

For quite a while, we’ve lived with just fewer pieces of furniture in the room. But they are clearly too big in scale and I wanted to replace them with smaller scale furniture. The pandemic goofed that up as many stores and manufacturers closed down temporarily (some permanently). Now that they’re open again, there are supply chain problems so there are delivery dates out (sometimes way out) in the future.

Now there’s another stumbling block. My husband doesn’t want to give up his recliner. I should point out that our recliners are over 20 years olds, well made and still very comfy. Unfortunately they are still very LARGE. I’m willing to give up mine for a smaller model. But he has his worn to just the way he likes it, and he doesn’t want to give it up.

I get it. I’m not thrilled about it, but I get it. If you’ve ever seen the sitcom “Frasier,” you know that Frasier’s luxury condo contained a very hip modern set of furniture plus his father’s old, duct-tape-repaired recliner. His dad didn’t want to give up his chair either.

Since I haven’t been able to find a small sofa I really like anyways, I’ve decided to give up the hunt for now. One of those recliners will break at some point, and then we can start the furniture hunt again.

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