Extreme Wardrobes

During the pandemic, I became addicted to reading sewing blogs and watching a few sewing vloggers on YouTube. One thing they all seem to have in common is that they make a lot of clothes for themselves every month.

I realize they need to have a steady stream of projects to talk about. But speaking only for myself, I don’t want or need that many new clothes. And just the modest number of clothes I’ve made for myself in the last year caused me to go through my old clothes and winnow out things that still fit. I’ve been able to make the new clothes out of better fabrics than what I can find in ready-to-wear clothes, so for me it’s a no-brainer to get rid of some still-wearable clothes so I can wear the new things I’ve made.

The bottom line is that I have that rule for myself, where all of my out-of-season clothes have to fit in two big plastic boxes. When they make those boxes overflow, which they did not long ago, some things have to go, and they aren’t going to be the things made out of good fabric, things I put a lot of work into.

This makes me wonder if those sewists I follow keep their wardrobes at a reasonable size or if they don’t care. One of the vloggers has mentioned that she uses a spare room as her closet. No thanks! That’s too much for me. I can think of many uses for a spare room, but closet isn’t one of them.

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